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Terms and Conditions of Sale

Magnet Wire
Serbia (English & Serbian)

Terms and Conditions of Sale

Magnet Wire
Germany (English & German)

Terms and Conditions of Sale

Magnet Wire
Italy (English)

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Germany (English & German)

Environmental Label Packaging

DLGS 116-2020
Magnet Wire Plant
Quattordio, Italy

Quality Management System (QMS) Certification

ISO 9001 : 2015
Magnet Wire Plant
Quattordio, Italy

Essex Energy Brochure

Continuously Transposed Conductor
Flat Enamelled Wire
Flat Wrapped Wire
Special Flat Insulated Wire

Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) Certification

UNI ISO 45001 : 2018
Magnet Wire Plant
Quattordio, Italy

Environmental Management System (EMS) Certification

ISO 14001 : 2015
Magnet Wire Plant
Quattordio, Italy

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Certification

OBMW2 E45523
Magnet Wire Component
Quattordio, Italy

EcoVadis Scorecard

The EcoVadis Scorecard is a review of holistic ESG efforts. It considers numerous categories such as environment, labor & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. It is designed to be a benchmarking mechanism for internal guidance as well as a comparative analysis between peer companies, allowing more informed decisions to be made.

Contact us directly.

We know that not every project is the same and that not every application is an easy spec to meet. We want to talk with you to meet the need of any challenge that you have.