ATLANTA, GA — Today Essex Furukawa CEO Brian Kim made the formal introduction of “Vision 2030: A Sustainable Future, Our Driving Force,” an initiative that will shape the future of the corporation.
Kim outlined three core values – Disruptive Innovation, Green Production, and Agile Digitization – as the foundational building blocks that he believes will help Essex Furukawa change the magnet wire industry for the better.
“’Vision 2030: A Sustainable Future, Our Driving Force,’ will serve to motivate us and to put the highest priority on the creation of a sustainable future for generations to come,” Kim said. “We will be part of the solution to the environmental issues facing the world. Our decision making, partnerships, and investment will be driven by our goal of creating a sustainable future.”
Each of the core values were presented with a specific goal as well as a roadmap to ensure steady progression towards that mark.
Mike Mesaki, SVP, Global R&D addressed how his team will look at disruptive innovation from a lens that gives specific attention to reducing the impact of the materials used in production.
“With an old-fashioned product and production method, there is no future for us. That’s true for this industry group,” Mesaki said. “We aim to change the magnet wire industry by introducing product, equipment and production methods to support and drive technology advancements through the supply chain.”
Green Production was a common thread that was woven through all of the core values. For not only our own production, but in support of our Customers’ green production initiatives.
Kim stated that there would be measurable plan across the production lines, at all plants, around the globe.
Vision 2030 set goals of the implementation of zero waste to landfill operations, reduction in energy consumption, as well as increasing renewable energy resources.
Jacques Wannenburg, Vice President for Information Technology, indicated that his team will be focused on turning valuable data into information and providing people in production with insights to make better decisions and increase a competitive edge.
“Our Goal is to become digitally savvy,” he said. “Leveraging technology to seamlessly enable business in collaboration with our employees, customers, suppliers and partners.”
Kim concluded the internal release with an overarching message that Vision 2030 should be part of the everyday workflow as well as help the entire work force of Essex Furukawa in decision making, prioritization and in how to drive toward the future.
“We have a lot to do to achieve our vision and our specific path forward is to build, enhance and finally lead,” he said. “I am excited for our journey together and look forward to all that we will accomplish.”
About Essex Furukawa
Essex Furukawa Magnet Wire LLC is the leading, global provider of magnet wire that is used by most major OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, and industry leaders in the automotive, energy, industrial, and commercial & residential sectors. The Atlanta-based company is a global joint venture formed in 2020 between Essex Magnet Wire and Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., both leaders in magnet wire product development, and custom solutions. The combined entity, relying on the strengths of both Essex Magnet Wire and Furukawa Electric, draws on more than two centuries of combined experience and knowledge to push forward innovation while also remaining focused on delivering manufacturing excellence and outstanding customer service. For more information, visit essexsolutions.com.